Customer testimonials

Exceptional quality and great service! We’ve had cushion covers from Mille Fleurs for several years now, so we knew what to expect. The cushion covers are gorgeous, the colours are beautiful and the quality is outstanding. Filip was very kind and efficient and ensured that we get the last piece in chosen design. Thank you very much!

August 4th, 2022 Sanja S., Belgium

It is a wonderful store. Filip was extremely patient and explained the differences between the weaving of the tapestries. The collection is phenomenal and a must see for people visiting Belgium.

May 22nd, 2022 A Reddy, AR, U.S.A.

A couple of weeks ago I visited Bruges and went into the Mille Fleurs shop. I liked what I saw, but was unsure of what I was seeing. Conny walked me through my selections and made excellent suggestions and showed me the difference of the various tapestries. She was so helpful. After I returned home to the US, I decided to get more tapestry products for Christmas gifts for friends and co-workers. The web-site was easy to navigate and I put my order in. Unfortunately, not everything was available and Conny & Filip were very helpful in showing me what was available and in changing my order. I am very pleased with all my interactions with Mille Fleurs and would highly recommend them to anyone.

May 13th, 2022 CJ Kimberly, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received my order today in very good form. The website picture of the roses tapestry pillow cover does not do it justice! They are absolutely magnificent. I am so pleased with your customer service and beautiful products. I am sure I will be ordering again.

April 27th, 2022 Marguerite Estis, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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