Customer testimonials

My first of what might be MANY purchases recently arrived pleasantly fast and at a much more appreciated price than directly here in The United States. I love the items and will be a returning Especially Pleased NEW Shopper. Thank YOU Mille Fleurs Tapestries....

November 22nd, 2021 John Stabley, NC, U.S.A.

I was absolutely delighted to get the beautiful tapestries from Mille Fleurs. Excellent customer service. Is second to none. I thank Filip especially. He supported me in my purchase, responding accurately, patiently and quickly to my questions within a few months. I'm sincerely gateful.

November 8th, 2021 Anna Kogan, Germany

I was wonderling what kind of store it was,so I saw the store on Google Maps. It looks like a fairy tale shop. If one day everyone in the world can come and go freely, I definitely want to visit. Thank you. ありがとうございます。

October 30th, 2021 Sachi Kumagai, Iwate, Japan

La tapisserie de la Dame à la Licorne ( housse pour coussin) est très belle. Le paquet est parfait et l'expédition rapide. Je suis très contente de mon achat.

October 9th, 2021 JACQUELINE CALVET-SAMBRES, France
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