Customer testimonials

L'arazzo è appena arrivato ed in tempi decisamente rapidi... È stupendo e non avevo dubbi considerato che non è il primo acquisto. Grazie di cuore

February 9th, 2021 Maria Alba Tricoli, Caltanissetta, Italy

De keuze van het wandtapijt was moeilijk voor ons (ze zien er allemaal heel prachtig uit), maar met de hulp en deskundige uitleg van Filip is onze keuze gevallen op het wandtapijt “Kasteel van Verdure” met zijde. We zijn heel tevreden over het resultaat. (Dit was trouwens onze 2de aankoop bij Mille Fleur.) De service van Mille Fleur is correct en heel professioneel. Waarvoor onze dank Filip! Nog veel succes!

February 5th, 2021 Roger Ruymbeek, Sint-Paulusplein 18 - 9120 Kallo, Belgium

I just wanted to thank you so much for how fast I received my order in the US! The tapestry pillows are stunning and I can only wish that our domestic mail was as fast as your international mail. Again, I am delighted with my purchase and your service.

February 1st, 2021 L. L, CO, U.S.A.

We received today our beautiful tapestry and are ecstatic with the quality. We live in Queensland and were amazed how fast our order arrived from Belgium. We thank Filip for his superb customer care and would recommend Mille Fleurs to all our friends and family.

February 1st, 2021 Bart De Ridder, Queensland, Australia
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