Customer testimonials

Fantástico el tapiz, aún mejor de lo esperado, magnífico el servicio, la atención y ha sido entregado de forma rápida. Muy contento con haber hecho esta elección.

September 30th, 2020 Juan Ramon Ferrer, Bizkaia, Belgium

Mooi wandkleed besteld. Werd snel en correct geleverd. Ook duidelijke en goed communicatie. Zeer te spreken over dit bedrijf.

September 25th, 2020 m. faber, Netherlands

Thank you so much for providing us with our beautiful tapestry wall hanging. It is absolutely stunning & adds so much to the feel & look of our room. The service was extremely professional & respectful from the moment we placed our order. The delivery was quick & trackable which was very helpful. We’ve also very much appreciated the clear & detailed hanging & care instructions. We couldn’t be happier with our buy. Thank you very much.

September 24th, 2020 Kate Richardson, Wirral, United Kingdom

È arrivato il mio terzo arazzo... Bellissimo come gli altri due del resto. Grazie Mille fleur per la puntualità e la cortesia... Grazie Filip per il gentile omaggio. Graditissimo.... Sicuramente farò altri ordini. A presto

September 21st, 2020 Maria Alba Tricoli, Italia, Belgium
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